2297 Amphipyra pyramidea - Copper Underwing
The usual looking brown type.
... though they occasionally look like this.
Status: Regular in small numbers with a big fall off the cliff in numbers in the latter years.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, open scrub, hedgerows, parks etc. The larval food plants include Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Crab Apple, Hazel, Garden Privet etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from July till October.
1999 - 2024 garden records: A fairly common moth, regular in one's and two's, seen mainly in August and September.
2023 = 2. 2024 = 3.
Earliest date: 13th July 2015.
Latest date: 5th October 2000.
Peak count: 3 moths on a few occasions over the years.
2398 Amphipyra berbera - Svensson's Copper Underwing
Status: Unsure ... possibly overlooked?
Habitat/Food plant: Most abundant in woodland but also occurs in parks, gardens, open country etc. The larval food plants include Pedunculate Oak, Hornbeam, Limes, Willows and Rhododendron.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late July to mid September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Possibly overlooked amongst some worn looking Copper Underwings, Over the years I've managed to find four obvious examples amongst the duller forms of A.pyramidea's namely; on 19th August 2005, 24th July 2009, 10th September 2012, 28th August 2018 and another in the summer (no date) of 2019.
Earliest date: 24th July 2009.
Latest date: 10th September 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
2399 Amphipyra trapopogonis - Mouse Moth
Status: Regular in small numbers though showing much decline in the latter years.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging, the larval food plants follow suit. The do eat things like Fennel (which I find odd?), also Salad Burnet, Teasel, Mugwort, Hawthorn, Sallows etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from July through September.
1999 - 2024 garden records:
Earliest date: 8th July 2002.
Latest date: 11th October 2013.
Peak count: 6 moths, taken on 5th September 2004.
2300 Mormo matura - Old Lady
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Pretty much any lowland terrain is suitable. They overwinter as a small larvae when they feed on small plants such as Chickweeds and Docks. After hibernation the food plants change to more woody plants such as Ivy, Hawthorn, Birches and Spindles. I'd like to report that being Old Ladies, the food plant includes 'meals on wheels' ... but that's just being silly now isn't it??
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, the adults on the wing mainly from July through till September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: This huge lump of a moth often shows up in early autumn, sometimes late summer. They are not all that attracted to light and come readily to sugaring, not that I do too much of that round my garden, but when I have they do arrive.
The annual numbers here around the traps have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 6. 2005 = 10+. 2006 = 12+. 2007 = 11. 2008 = 10. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 5.
2013 = 13. 2014 = 10. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 32. 2024 = 4.
Earliest date: 26th June 2024.
Latest date: 12th September 2023.
Peak count: 5 on 5th September 2023.
2301 Dypterygia scabriuscula - Bird's Wing
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, Parks etc. The larvae feed on Docks, Sorrels and Knotgrass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May to July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Only one capture here, on 18th June 2007.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2302 Rusina ferruginea - Brown Rustic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly broadleaved woodland. The larval food plants are wide ranging, including Vetches, Plantains, Docks and Bisorts.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded. on the wing in June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Just one record, taken on 28th June 2002.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2303 Thalpophila matura - Straw Underwing
Status: Annual in small numbers initially, gradually increasing as the years wore on.
Habitat/Food plant: Parkland, woodland and most open habitats. The larval food plants are grasses, including Annual Meadow Grass, Mat-grass and Silver Hair-grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in late July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: The annual numbers here since 1999 have been:
1999 = 1. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 7. 2003 = 13. 2004 =7 . 2005 = 5. 2006 = 7. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 3. 2010 = 11. 2011 = 11. 2012 = 9.
2013 = 13. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 9. 2016 = 20. 2017 = 20. 2018 = 40. 2019 = 100. 2020 = 200+. 2021 = 100+. 2022 = 100's. 2023 = 100+. 2024 = 100+.
Earliest date: 4th August 2003.
Latest date: 16th September 2003.
Peak count: 31 moths on 18th August 2023.
2304 Trachea atriplicis - Orache Moth
Status: Rare migrant.
Habitat/Food plant: Not such of habitat with it being a European species but the larval food plants are stated as being Orache and Goosefoots.
Broods/flight period: Presumably single brooded, on the wing in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Three records, all as singles, taken on 7th August 2019, 5th July 2020 and 8th July 2020.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2306 Phlogophora meticulosa - Angle Shades
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Pretty much anywhere except up mountains (or on the moon?) ... the caterpillars eat virtually any non-plastic herbaceous material by the looks of it.
Broods/flight period: The books say 'mainly May through October probably in two generations' ... it also says that the adult moth can turn up at any time of year. Make of that what you will?
1999 - 2024 garden records: Common, one of the only (presumably the only?) macro moth species that I've taken in every month of the year here in my garden? They occasionally arrive, presumably as migrants, (?) in double figures counts, but always during the autumn time.
Earliest date: 10th January 2013.
Latest date: 29th December 2006.
Peak count: 26 moths, on 30th September 2019 was a peak at the time before a rather crackers 61 moths showed up on 7th October 2021. 46 taken alongside a few migrants such as 12 Palpita vitrealis, a Vestal etc on 2nd September 2024 then 53 on 4th September 2024 were also worthy of note.
2312 Ipimorpha subtusa - Olive
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Found in lots of habitats including broadleaved woodland, parkland, marshes, lake sides etc. and the larval food plant is Aspen and other types of Poplar.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late July to early September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Only two records here, on 30th July 2010 and 17th July 2018.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2314 Parastichtis ypsillon - Dingy Shears
Status: Notable, not annual here ... perhaps on the increase during the latter years?
Habitat/Food plant: Damp woodland, marshes etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late June till August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Probably best summed up by my annual catch rate thingamy ... they are very up and down here as a species:
1999 = 0 2000 = 0. 2001 = 6. 2002 = 0. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 0. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 6. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 1. 2014 = 0. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 2. 2024 = 0.
Earliest date: 21st June 2017.
Latest date: 24th July 2013.
Peak count: 2 moths on two dates, 2 on 7th July 2001 and 2 one day in 2011.
2316 Cosmia affinis - Lesser-spotted Pinion
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Sites containing Elms, (English/Small Leaved and Wych) which are the larval food plant.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded flying in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Perhaps increasing? They have been recorded on fifteen dates here, twelve times since 2006, including four moths in 2013.
Earliest date: 22nd July 2008.
Latest date: 24th August 2013.
Peak count: Singles only.
2318 Cosmia trapezina - Dun-bar
Status: Regular in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly woodland but anywhere with trees. The larval food plants included many broadleaved trees (Oak, Elm, Birch, Hawthorn, Blackthorn etc) also the caterpillars of other moth species.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing mainly in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: A pretty stable population here, never numerous but common enough.
Earliest date: 23rd June 2003 and 2014.
Latest date: 27th August 2010.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2010.
2319 Cosmia pyralina - Lunar-spotted Pinion
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Hedgerows, scrub, woodland etc. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Apple, Bullace [whatever that is?] and various types of Elm, including Wych Elm.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded flying in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Eight records here, single moths on 23rd June 2003, 11th August 2004, 12th July 2010, 19th August 2013, 11th July 2014, 14th July 2015, 25th July 2016, 14th July 2023 and 14th July 2024.
Earliest date: 23rd June 2003.
Latest date: 19th August 2013.
Peak count: Singles only.
2321 Apamea monoglypha - Dark Arches
Status: Common.
Earliest date: 17th May 2024.
Latest date: First generation moths till 24th August (in 2013) ... a second generation moth showed up on 15th September 2011. Another very late specimen showed up on 25th October 2017.
Peak count: 66 moths, one night in 2010 also 65 on 28th June 2023.
2322 Apamea lithoxylaea - Light Arches
Status: Common, usually in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: A wide range of grassy places, the larval food plants are grasses, including Annual Meadow Grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing mid June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: A regular summer sighting throughout the period.
Earliest date: 1st June 2014.
Latest date: 2nd August 2002.
Peak count: Generally 5 - 6 moths most years, the peak was of 12 moths taken on 26th June 2004.
2323 Apamea sublustris - Reddish Light Arches
Status: Rare wanderer.
Habitat/Food plant: Chalk and limestone grassland, the larval food plant is not known (??) grasses of some sort.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Seen on five occasions here, on 6th July 1999, 26th June 2003, 29th June 2011, 26th June 2016 and 20th June 2019.
Earliest date: 26th June 2003.
Latest date: 6th July 1999.
Peak count: singles only.
Earliest date: 13th July 2015.
Latest date: 5th October 2000.
Peak count: 3 moths on a few occasions over the years.
2398 Amphipyra berbera - Svensson's Copper Underwing
The moth taken on 10/09/12
Head on, showing the dark palps with striking 'ivory' tips. Not the same individual moth as above, this is the 24/07/09 moth
To my shame, a manhandled view of the moth taken on 10/09/12, showing the extent of the copper on the under inner hind wing. The moth flew off okay, less a few scales ... I wouldn't advise this procedure and I will never ever try it again.
Status: Unsure ... possibly overlooked?
Habitat/Food plant: Most abundant in woodland but also occurs in parks, gardens, open country etc. The larval food plants include Pedunculate Oak, Hornbeam, Limes, Willows and Rhododendron.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late July to mid September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Possibly overlooked amongst some worn looking Copper Underwings, Over the years I've managed to find four obvious examples amongst the duller forms of A.pyramidea's namely; on 19th August 2005, 24th July 2009, 10th September 2012, 28th August 2018 and another in the summer (no date) of 2019.
Earliest date: 24th July 2009.
Latest date: 10th September 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
2399 Amphipyra trapopogonis - Mouse Moth
Status: Regular in small numbers though showing much decline in the latter years.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging, the larval food plants follow suit. The do eat things like Fennel (which I find odd?), also Salad Burnet, Teasel, Mugwort, Hawthorn, Sallows etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from July through September.
1999 - 2024 garden records:
Once a common sight with number falling dramatically in the later 2010's ...
2012 = 20+. 2013 = 25+. 2014 = 20+. 2015 = 8. 2016 = 2. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 = 0.
Earliest date: 8th July 2002.
Latest date: 11th October 2013.
Peak count: 6 moths, taken on 5th September 2004.
2300 Mormo matura - Old Lady
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Pretty much any lowland terrain is suitable. They overwinter as a small larvae when they feed on small plants such as Chickweeds and Docks. After hibernation the food plants change to more woody plants such as Ivy, Hawthorn, Birches and Spindles. I'd like to report that being Old Ladies, the food plant includes 'meals on wheels' ... but that's just being silly now isn't it??
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, the adults on the wing mainly from July through till September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: This huge lump of a moth often shows up in early autumn, sometimes late summer. They are not all that attracted to light and come readily to sugaring, not that I do too much of that round my garden, but when I have they do arrive.
The annual numbers here around the traps have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 6. 2005 = 10+. 2006 = 12+. 2007 = 11. 2008 = 10. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 5.
2013 = 13. 2014 = 10. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 32. 2024 = 4.
Earliest date: 26th June 2024.
Latest date: 12th September 2023.
Peak count: 5 on 5th September 2023.
2301 Dypterygia scabriuscula - Bird's Wing
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, Parks etc. The larvae feed on Docks, Sorrels and Knotgrass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May to July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Only one capture here, on 18th June 2007.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2302 Rusina ferruginea - Brown Rustic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly broadleaved woodland. The larval food plants are wide ranging, including Vetches, Plantains, Docks and Bisorts.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded. on the wing in June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Just one record, taken on 28th June 2002.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2303 Thalpophila matura - Straw Underwing
Status: Annual in small numbers initially, gradually increasing as the years wore on.
Habitat/Food plant: Parkland, woodland and most open habitats. The larval food plants are grasses, including Annual Meadow Grass, Mat-grass and Silver Hair-grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in late July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: The annual numbers here since 1999 have been:
1999 = 1. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 7. 2003 = 13. 2004 =7 . 2005 = 5. 2006 = 7. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 3. 2010 = 11. 2011 = 11. 2012 = 9.
2013 = 13. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 9. 2016 = 20. 2017 = 20. 2018 = 40. 2019 = 100. 2020 = 200+. 2021 = 100+. 2022 = 100's. 2023 = 100+. 2024 = 100+.
Earliest date: 4th August 2003.
Latest date: 16th September 2003.
Peak count: 31 moths on 18th August 2023.
2304 Trachea atriplicis - Orache Moth
Nearly a whole Orache Moth. A spectacular thing when fresh, unfortunately when the time comes for me to fluke a capture here it looks like the thing's been through a mangle. Beggars cannot be choosers of course so I'm not moaning, it's a mega capture for the garden.
Status: Rare migrant.
Habitat/Food plant: Not such of habitat with it being a European species but the larval food plants are stated as being Orache and Goosefoots.
Broods/flight period: Presumably single brooded, on the wing in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Three records, all as singles, taken on 7th August 2019, 5th July 2020 and 8th July 2020.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2306 Phlogophora meticulosa - Angle Shades
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Pretty much anywhere except up mountains (or on the moon?) ... the caterpillars eat virtually any non-plastic herbaceous material by the looks of it.
Broods/flight period: The books say 'mainly May through October probably in two generations' ... it also says that the adult moth can turn up at any time of year. Make of that what you will?
1999 - 2024 garden records: Common, one of the only (presumably the only?) macro moth species that I've taken in every month of the year here in my garden? They occasionally arrive, presumably as migrants, (?) in double figures counts, but always during the autumn time.
Earliest date: 10th January 2013.
Latest date: 29th December 2006.
Peak count: 26 moths, on 30th September 2019 was a peak at the time before a rather crackers 61 moths showed up on 7th October 2021. 46 taken alongside a few migrants such as 12 Palpita vitrealis, a Vestal etc on 2nd September 2024 then 53 on 4th September 2024 were also worthy of note.
2312 Ipimorpha subtusa - Olive
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Found in lots of habitats including broadleaved woodland, parkland, marshes, lake sides etc. and the larval food plant is Aspen and other types of Poplar.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late July to early September.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Only two records here, on 30th July 2010 and 17th July 2018.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2314 Parastichtis ypsillon - Dingy Shears
Status: Notable, not annual here ... perhaps on the increase during the latter years?
Habitat/Food plant: Damp woodland, marshes etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late June till August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Probably best summed up by my annual catch rate thingamy ... they are very up and down here as a species:
1999 = 0 2000 = 0. 2001 = 6. 2002 = 0. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 0. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 6. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 1. 2014 = 0. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 2. 2024 = 0.
Earliest date: 21st June 2017.
Latest date: 24th July 2013.
Peak count: 2 moths on two dates, 2 on 7th July 2001 and 2 one day in 2011.
2316 Cosmia affinis - Lesser-spotted Pinion
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Sites containing Elms, (English/Small Leaved and Wych) which are the larval food plant.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded flying in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Perhaps increasing? They have been recorded on fifteen dates here, twelve times since 2006, including four moths in 2013.
Earliest date: 22nd July 2008.
Latest date: 24th August 2013.
Peak count: Singles only.
2318 Cosmia trapezina - Dun-bar
Above: Two Variants ... they come in about six slightly different forms including orange and another with a solid dark bar.
Status: Regular in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly woodland but anywhere with trees. The larval food plants included many broadleaved trees (Oak, Elm, Birch, Hawthorn, Blackthorn etc) also the caterpillars of other moth species.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing mainly in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: A pretty stable population here, never numerous but common enough.
Earliest date: 23rd June 2003 and 2014.
Latest date: 27th August 2010.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2010.
2319 Cosmia pyralina - Lunar-spotted Pinion
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Hedgerows, scrub, woodland etc. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Apple, Bullace [whatever that is?] and various types of Elm, including Wych Elm.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded flying in July and August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Eight records here, single moths on 23rd June 2003, 11th August 2004, 12th July 2010, 19th August 2013, 11th July 2014, 14th July 2015, 25th July 2016, 14th July 2023 and 14th July 2024.
Earliest date: 23rd June 2003.
Latest date: 19th August 2013.
Peak count: Singles only.
2321 Apamea monoglypha - Dark Arches
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: The favoured habitat is rather eloquently described as 'ubiquitous' in my book of reference ... I'd have used the more vulgar explanation 'pretty much anywhere' if left to my own devices perhaps? The larval food plants are grasses, including Common Couch and Cock's-foot.
Broods/flight period: Usually single brooded, on the wing from June till August.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Often arriving in large numbers here where catches of 20+ are fairly regular. The bulk of the records here are from June and July, they rarely make in past mid August. I did once catch a second generation moth, on 15th September 2011 ... just the once mind you.
Earliest date: 17th May 2024.
Latest date: First generation moths till 24th August (in 2013) ... a second generation moth showed up on 15th September 2011. Another very late specimen showed up on 25th October 2017.
Peak count: 66 moths, one night in 2010 also 65 on 28th June 2023.
2322 Apamea lithoxylaea - Light Arches
Status: Common, usually in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: A wide range of grassy places, the larval food plants are grasses, including Annual Meadow Grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing mid June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: A regular summer sighting throughout the period.
Earliest date: 1st June 2014.
Latest date: 2nd August 2002.
Peak count: Generally 5 - 6 moths most years, the peak was of 12 moths taken on 26th June 2004.
2323 Apamea sublustris - Reddish Light Arches
Status: Rare wanderer.
Habitat/Food plant: Chalk and limestone grassland, the larval food plant is not known (??) grasses of some sort.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2024 garden records: Seen on five occasions here, on 6th July 1999, 26th June 2003, 29th June 2011, 26th June 2016 and 20th June 2019.
Earliest date: 26th June 2003.
Latest date: 6th July 1999.
Peak count: singles only.
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