Geometridae (Larentiinae)
1811 Eupethecia tenuiata - Slender Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Varied habitats are used, damp woodland, scrub, dunes, ponds, marshes etc. The larval food plants are the Catkins of Salix species. (i.e. Willows and Sallows)
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July.
2007 = 1. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 1. 2013 = 6. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 3, 2016 = 2. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 6. 2019 = 11. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 3.
2022 = 1. 2023 = 6. 2024 =
Earliest date: 20th June 2019.
Latest date: 26th July 2024.
Peak count: 2 on 31st July 2018.
1812 Eupethecia inturbata - Maple Pug
Status: Almost annual but always seen in very small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodlands, wetlands etc. The larval food plants are Aspen, Poplar, Sallow and Willow.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late May till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 0. 2006 = 2. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 2.
2013 = 3. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 6. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 3. 2019 = 5. 2020 = 11. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 15 2023 = 25+. 2024 =
Earliest date: 20th June 2004.
Latest date: 20th August 2015.
Peak count: Catches of more than one per night are rare ... 3 on one night in July 2020, 3 on 21st July 2022 and an enormous 5 on 22nd July 2022.
1813 Eupethecia haworthiata - Haworth's Pug
Status: Annual and increasing in recent years.
Habitat/Food plant: It occurs in most places where the food plant (Traveller's-joy) grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 2. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 3. 2004 = 3. 2005 = 2. 2006 = 3. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 8. 2010 = 6. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 10. 2014 = 7. 2015 = 6. 2016 = 7. 2017 = 6. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 5. 2022 = 20+ 2023 = 15. 2024 =
Earliest date: 12th June 2015.
Latest date: 11th August 2007.
Peak count: 3 moths, on. nights in 2013 and 2016 then 4 on 26th June 2022, 3 on 27th June 2022 and a barely credible (for here) 6 on 11th July 2022 and 5 on 8th July 2023.
1814 Eupethecia plumbeolata - Lead-coloured Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of open woodland where the larval food plants, Cow Wheat and Yellow Rattle exist.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May till June.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Unsure? I did take this species at least once (perhaps twice?) but failed to write the records down properly.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1815 Eupethecia abietaria - Cloaked Pug
Status: A rarity.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of mature conifer plantations where the larvae feed inside the large cones of various Spruce and Fir trees.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Two records, taken on 27th May 2017 then 20th June 2023.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1816 Eupethecia linariata - Toadflax Pug
Status: Once annual here, nowadays a scarcity.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough limestone and chalk grasslands/roadside verges etc. The larval food plants are Common Toadflax and possibly Purple Toadflax?
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in July and August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: The alarming decline can be seen from my year on year annual totals ...
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 5. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 8. 2004 = 8. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 7. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 1. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 6th July 2000.
Latest date: 10th September 2004.
Peak count: Up to two moths on a few dates.
1817 Eupethecia pulchellata puchellata - Foxglove Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, hillside, moorland grassland etc where the food plant, Foxglove occurs.
Broods/flight period: One generation, on the wing in May and June.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Two records here, taken on 14th June 2005 and 21st June 2023.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1819 Eupethecia exiguata - Mottled Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub and hedgerows are used. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Dogwood.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in May and June.
1999 - 2022 garden records: A fairly common sighting until 2020 when I took only 4 singles.
Earliest date: 20th June 2019.
Latest date: 26th July 2024.
Peak count: 2 on 31st July 2018.
1812 Eupethecia inturbata - Maple Pug
Status: Almost annual but always seen in very small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodlands, wetlands etc. The larval food plants are Aspen, Poplar, Sallow and Willow.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late May till July.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 0. 2006 = 2. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 2.
2013 = 3. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 6. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 3. 2019 = 5. 2020 = 11. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 15 2023 = 25+. 2024 =
Earliest date: 20th June 2004.
Latest date: 20th August 2015.
Peak count: Catches of more than one per night are rare ... 3 on one night in July 2020, 3 on 21st July 2022 and an enormous 5 on 22nd July 2022.
1813 Eupethecia haworthiata - Haworth's Pug
Status: Annual and increasing in recent years.
Habitat/Food plant: It occurs in most places where the food plant (Traveller's-joy) grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 2. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 3. 2004 = 3. 2005 = 2. 2006 = 3. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 8. 2010 = 6. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 10. 2014 = 7. 2015 = 6. 2016 = 7. 2017 = 6. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 5. 2022 = 20+ 2023 = 15. 2024 =
Earliest date: 12th June 2015.
Latest date: 11th August 2007.
Peak count: 3 moths, on. nights in 2013 and 2016 then 4 on 26th June 2022, 3 on 27th June 2022 and a barely credible (for here) 6 on 11th July 2022 and 5 on 8th July 2023.
1814 Eupethecia plumbeolata - Lead-coloured Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of open woodland where the larval food plants, Cow Wheat and Yellow Rattle exist.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May till June.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1815 Eupethecia abietaria - Cloaked Pug
27th May 2017.
20th June 2023.
Status: A rarity.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of mature conifer plantations where the larvae feed inside the large cones of various Spruce and Fir trees.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1816 Eupethecia linariata - Toadflax Pug
Status: Once annual here, nowadays a scarcity.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough limestone and chalk grasslands/roadside verges etc. The larval food plants are Common Toadflax and possibly Purple Toadflax?
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in July and August.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 5. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 8. 2004 = 8. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 7. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 1. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 6th July 2000.
Latest date: 10th September 2004.
Peak count: Up to two moths on a few dates.
1817 Eupethecia pulchellata puchellata - Foxglove Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, hillside, moorland grassland etc where the food plant, Foxglove occurs.
Broods/flight period: One generation, on the wing in May and June.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1819 Eupethecia exiguata - Mottled Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub and hedgerows are used. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Dogwood.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in May and June.
2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 30th March 2004.
Latest date: 19th July 2010.
Peak count: 12 moths in both 2004 and 2006.
1820 Eupethecia insigniata - Pinion-spotted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Old hedgerows etc. The larval food plant is mainly Hawthorn.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in late April and May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Two records here, on 21st May 2003 and 10th May 2023.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1823 Eupethecia venosata - Netted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Sea cliffs, rocky areas over chalk or limestone. The larval food plant is Bladder or Sea Campion.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in late May and June.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Three records, all of then in 2019 namely; on 3rd June 2019, 11th June 2019, 21st June 2019 and 9th June 2020.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1825 Eupethecia centaureata - Lime-speck Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Various habitats are used including coastal salt marsh, urban gardens, roadside scrub and open woodland. The larval food plants are the flowers of various low growing plants including Ragwort, Mugwort, Sea Wormwood, Knapweeds, Yarrow, Hemp Agrimony, Wild Angelica, Traveller's-joy, Goldenrod and Michaelmas Daisy.
Broods/flight period: Two overlapping generations, flying from April till October.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
Earliest date: 2nd May 2009.
Latest date: 7th October 2008.
Peak count: 12 moths, one night in 2003.
1826 Eupethecia trisignaria - Triple-spotted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Marshy fields, Fenland, roadside verges and damp woodland rides. The larval food plants are the ripening fruits of Wild Angelica and Hogweed.
Broods/flight period: One generation, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Two records, taken in August of 2000 then 29th July 2016.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1827 Eupethecia intricata - Freyer's Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers showing some decline here from 2016/17 onward.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth that uses various garden Conifers, Junipers and Cypresses.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till June/July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: A regular though low level (numbers wise 'not' altitude!) visitor to the garden until the late 2010's with only 2 seen in both 2018 and 2020 then just one in 2021.
Earliest date: 30th March 2004.
Latest date: 19th July 2010.
Peak count: 12 moths in both 2004 and 2006.
1820 Eupethecia insigniata - Pinion-spotted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Old hedgerows etc. The larval food plant is mainly Hawthorn.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in late April and May.
The lower of the two photos is the rather mangled specimen that I found sat on the wall next to one of the traps on 10th May 2023. My initial reaction was that it was 'interesting' looking and looked a bit like a Pinion-spotted Pug. I took a few insurance shots just in case it was identifiable, though of course seeing the condition of the thing the smart money was that it wasn't going to be. However, on closer inspection I noticed the longitudinal streaking on the outside of the abdomen, streaking that proved conclusively that it was indeed a Pinion-streaked Pug. Compare it with the fresher specimen above. The shape of the wings and the stance/size always looked good but the only actual markings that I had for a clue were the fact that the stigmata were large and elongated. Just goes to show just how useful photography can be.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1823 Eupethecia venosata - Netted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Sea cliffs, rocky areas over chalk or limestone. The larval food plant is Bladder or Sea Campion.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in late May and June.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1825 Eupethecia centaureata - Lime-speck Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Various habitats are used including coastal salt marsh, urban gardens, roadside scrub and open woodland. The larval food plants are the flowers of various low growing plants including Ragwort, Mugwort, Sea Wormwood, Knapweeds, Yarrow, Hemp Agrimony, Wild Angelica, Traveller's-joy, Goldenrod and Michaelmas Daisy.
Broods/flight period: Two overlapping generations, flying from April till October.
Earliest date: 2nd May 2009.
Latest date: 7th October 2008.
Peak count: 12 moths, one night in 2003.
1826 Eupethecia trisignaria - Triple-spotted Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Marshy fields, Fenland, roadside verges and damp woodland rides. The larval food plants are the ripening fruits of Wild Angelica and Hogweed.
Broods/flight period: One generation, flying in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1827 Eupethecia intricata - Freyer's Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers showing some decline here from 2016/17 onward.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth that uses various garden Conifers, Junipers and Cypresses.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till June/July.
2018 = 2. 2019 = 5. 2020 = 2. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 5. 2023 = 15. 2-24 =
Earliest date: 12th May 2024.
Latest date: 29th July 2011.
Peak count: 6 moths, one night in 2001.
1830 Eupethecia absinthiata - Wormwood Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Many habitats are used, from coastal salt marsh to urban gardens. The larval food plants include Mugwort, Yarrow, Ragworts, Wormwood, Sea Wormwood, Sea Aster, Goldenrod and Michaelmas Daisy.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
Earliest date: 12th May 2024.
Latest date: 29th July 2011.
Peak count: 6 moths, one night in 2001.
1830 Eupethecia absinthiata - Wormwood Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Many habitats are used, from coastal salt marsh to urban gardens. The larval food plants include Mugwort, Yarrow, Ragworts, Wormwood, Sea Wormwood, Sea Aster, Goldenrod and Michaelmas Daisy.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July.
2023 = 0.
Earliest date: 29th May 2000.
Latest date: 16th August 2015.
Peak count: Usually seen singly, so 5 moths taken one night in 2013, was above and beyond anything that's ever occurred here before.
1832 Eupethecia assimilata - Currant Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Hedgerows, gardens, allotments etc. The larval food plants are Wild Hop, Black Current and Red Currant.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then again in August.
1999 - 2023. garden records:
Earliest date: 29th May 2000.
Latest date: 16th August 2015.
Peak count: Usually seen singly, so 5 moths taken one night in 2013, was above and beyond anything that's ever occurred here before.
1832 Eupethecia assimilata - Currant Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Hedgerows, gardens, allotments etc. The larval food plants are Wild Hop, Black Current and Red Currant.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then again in August.
2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 17th April 2007.
Latest date: 20th September 2000.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2006.
1834 Eupethecia vulgata vulgata - Common Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: They occur in pretty much any lowland habitat feeding on various things such as Sallow, Hawthorn, Bramble, Ragwort, Yarrow and Hogweed.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June/July then again in August though I get very few after July here?
1999 - 2023 garden records: A common moth around the traps in May and June, usually in small numbers though occasionally reaching double figures.
Earliest date: 26th April 2010.
Latest date: 25th August 2007 though I have caught late moths into September which I wondered may be a third generation? I also once took a scale perfect specimen on 26th October 2006.
Peak count: 17 moths, one night in 2006.
1835 Eupethecia tripunctaria - White-spotted Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Scrubby areas, woodland, hedgerows, rivers and ditches. The larval food plants of the first generation are the flowers of Elder. The second generation larvae feed on various umbelifers such as Cow Parsley, Wild Angelica, Wild Parsnip, Hogweed and Wild Carrot.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 10. 2002 = 9. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 4. 2007 = 5. 2008 = 5. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 7. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 4. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 8. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 2. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 3. 2024 =
Earliest date: 15th April 2002.
Latest date: 11th September 2002.
Peak count: Mainly singles, I have taken two moths on only two occasions.
1837 Eupethecia subfuscata - Grey Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Many situations are suitable, both coastal and inland. The larval food plants are variable.
Broods/flight period: Mostly single brooded, flying in May and June. A partial second brood can be seen in August too some years.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 2. 2002 = 4. 2003 = 9. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 12. 2007 = 10. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 4. 2010 = 14. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 12. 2014 = 20. 2015 = 20. 2016 = 7. 2017 = 6. 2018 = 6. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 6. 2022 = 10. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 22nd April 2003.
Latest date: 5th August 2007. Also a possible a freak second generation moth taken on 27th August 2018.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2015.
1838 Eupethecia icterata - Tawny Speckled Pug
Status: In decline.
Habitat/Food plant: Various habitats are suitable. The larval food plants are the leaves and flowers of Yarrow and Sneezewort.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late July till early September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Numbers declined here after the middle 2000's.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = ? 2000 = 12. 2001 = 20. 2002 = 12. 2003 = 17. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 12. 2006 = 25. 2007 = 3. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 1. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 1.
2013 = 5. 2014 = 0. 2014 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 1.
Earliest date: 17th April 2007.
Latest date: 20th September 2000.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2006.
1834 Eupethecia vulgata vulgata - Common Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: They occur in pretty much any lowland habitat feeding on various things such as Sallow, Hawthorn, Bramble, Ragwort, Yarrow and Hogweed.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June/July then again in August though I get very few after July here?
Earliest date: 26th April 2010.
Latest date: 25th August 2007 though I have caught late moths into September which I wondered may be a third generation? I also once took a scale perfect specimen on 26th October 2006.
Peak count: 17 moths, one night in 2006.
1835 Eupethecia tripunctaria - White-spotted Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Scrubby areas, woodland, hedgerows, rivers and ditches. The larval food plants of the first generation are the flowers of Elder. The second generation larvae feed on various umbelifers such as Cow Parsley, Wild Angelica, Wild Parsnip, Hogweed and Wild Carrot.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 10. 2002 = 9. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 4. 2007 = 5. 2008 = 5. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 7. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 4. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 8. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 2. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 3. 2024 =
Earliest date: 15th April 2002.
Latest date: 11th September 2002.
Peak count: Mainly singles, I have taken two moths on only two occasions.
1837 Eupethecia subfuscata - Grey Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Many situations are suitable, both coastal and inland. The larval food plants are variable.
Broods/flight period: Mostly single brooded, flying in May and June. A partial second brood can be seen in August too some years.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 2. 2002 = 4. 2003 = 9. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 5. 2006 = 12. 2007 = 10. 2008 = 1. 2009 = 4. 2010 = 14. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 12. 2014 = 20. 2015 = 20. 2016 = 7. 2017 = 6. 2018 = 6. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 6. 2022 = 10. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 22nd April 2003.
Latest date: 5th August 2007. Also a possible a freak second generation moth taken on 27th August 2018.
Peak count: 4 moths, one night in 2015.
1838 Eupethecia icterata - Tawny Speckled Pug
Status: In decline.
Habitat/Food plant: Various habitats are suitable. The larval food plants are the leaves and flowers of Yarrow and Sneezewort.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late July till early September.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = ? 2000 = 12. 2001 = 20. 2002 = 12. 2003 = 17. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 12. 2006 = 25. 2007 = 3. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 1. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 1.
2013 = 5. 2014 = 0. 2014 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 1.
2021 = 1. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 30th July 2002.
Latest date: 6th September in both 2005 and 2006.
Peak count: 5 moths, one night in 2006.
1839 Eupethecia succentturiata - Bordered Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough places/disturbed ground where the larval food plant, Mugwort is found.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in July and August.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 10. 2002 = 12. 2003 = 17. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 12. 2006 = 20. 2007 = 10. 2008 = 12. 2009 = 16. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 3. 2012 = 5.
2013 = 15. 2014 = 5. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 1.
Earliest date: 30th July 2002.
Latest date: 6th September in both 2005 and 2006.
Peak count: 5 moths, one night in 2006.
1839 Eupethecia succentturiata - Bordered Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough places/disturbed ground where the larval food plant, Mugwort is found.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in July and August.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 10. 2002 = 12. 2003 = 17. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 12. 2006 = 20. 2007 = 10. 2008 = 12. 2009 = 16. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 3. 2012 = 5.
2013 = 15. 2014 = 5. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 4. 2020 = 1.
2021 = 1. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 6th July 2005.
Latest date: 1st October 2018, a freak second generation example.
Peak count: up to 3 moths on a few occasions.
1840 Eupethecia subumrata - Shaded Pug
Status: Almost annual.
Habitat/Food plant: Chalk downland, woodland, road verges, soft cliffs etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of many herbaceous plants such as hawk's-beard, ragwort, Field Scabious, St John's Wort, Wild Marjoram, Spanish Catchfly and Flaxweed.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 5. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 1. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 2. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 2. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 28th May 2014.
Latest date: 26th July 2009.
Peak count: 2 on 26th June 2001.
1841 Eupethecia millefoliata - Yarrow Pug
Status: Taken most years in very small numbers, showing a slight increase in recent years.
Habitat/Food plant: Open derelict coastal ground where the larval food plant (Yarrow) grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July/August.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 2. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 0. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 4. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 8. 2014 = 5. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 3. 2017 = 4. 2018 = 15. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 7. 2021 = 15. 2022 = 20. 2023 = 15, 2024 =
Earliest date: 30th June 2010.
Latest date: 12th August 2013. Also what appeared to be a second generation specimen in perfect condition taken on 12th September 2022. I've had only three (singles) August records here, all of the other sightings were in late very late June/July.
Peak count: 3 on 25th July 2021.
1842 Eupethecia simpliciata - Plain Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Salt marsh, tidal rivers, coastal cliffs, derelict open ground etc. The larval food plants are various Oraches and Goose-foot.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in July and August.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
Earliest date: 6th July 2005.
Latest date: 1st October 2018, a freak second generation example.
Peak count: up to 3 moths on a few occasions.
1840 Eupethecia subumrata - Shaded Pug
Status: Almost annual.
Habitat/Food plant: Chalk downland, woodland, road verges, soft cliffs etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of many herbaceous plants such as hawk's-beard, ragwort, Field Scabious, St John's Wort, Wild Marjoram, Spanish Catchfly and Flaxweed.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 2. 2001 = 5. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 1. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 2. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 2. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 28th May 2014.
Latest date: 26th July 2009.
Peak count: 2 on 26th June 2001.
1841 Eupethecia millefoliata - Yarrow Pug
Status: Taken most years in very small numbers, showing a slight increase in recent years.
Habitat/Food plant: Open derelict coastal ground where the larval food plant (Yarrow) grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July/August.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 2. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 0. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 4. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 5. 2012 = 4.
2013 = 8. 2014 = 5. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 3. 2017 = 4. 2018 = 15. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 7. 2021 = 15. 2022 = 20. 2023 = 15, 2024 =
Earliest date: 30th June 2010.
Latest date: 12th August 2013. Also what appeared to be a second generation specimen in perfect condition taken on 12th September 2022. I've had only three (singles) August records here, all of the other sightings were in late very late June/July.
Peak count: 3 on 25th July 2021.
1842 Eupethecia simpliciata - Plain Pug
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Salt marsh, tidal rivers, coastal cliffs, derelict open ground etc. The larval food plants are various Oraches and Goose-foot.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in July and August.
2023 = 15, 2024 =
Earliest date: 29th June 2005.
Latest date: 3rd September 2023.
Peak count: 3 moths on a few occasions.
1845 Eupethecia pimpinellata - Pimpinel Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Calcareous grassland, limestone quarries, downland etc. The larval food plant is the ripening seed capsules of Burnet-saxifrage.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: One record here of a fresh specimen identified retrospectively (years after the capture) from a photograph. Not only did I fail to write down the date of capture but then lost the photo too when my computer went kaput. It took me another ten years to catch another (see above) when the second one showed up on 1st August 2018.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1846 Eupethecia nanata - Narrow-winged Pug
Status: Scarce, perhaps occurring here as a migrant or an introduced species?
Habitat/Food plant: A moth mainly of heathland and moorland. The larval food plant is Heather.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from late April till June then again in late July and August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Five records here, taken on 26th May 2008, May 30th 2008, 25th August 2012, 18th May 2016 and 1st August 2022.
Earliest date: 26th May 2008.
Latest date: 25th August 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
1849 Eupethecia innotata - Ash/Angle-barred Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, parks, gardens etc. The larval food plant is probably just Ash, it's confusion with Angle-barred and Tamarisk Pugs clouds the issue somewhat?
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing from late May till mid June then again in August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Six records, occurring on 21st August 2001, 19th June 2002, 8th August 2003, 12th August 2003, 4th August 2005, 3rd September 2012 and 25th June 2015. I also caught three during 2019.
Earliest date: 19th June 2002.
Latest date: 3rd September 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
1852 Eupethecia abbreviata - Brindled Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly a moth of woodland. The larval food plants are Oaks and Hawthorn ... an odd combination?
Broods/flight period: One generation, flying from March till early May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Usually a scarcity, occurring once during the springs of 2003, 2004 then twice in 2009. In 2011 thing went mad with these things and I took up to 7 moths on six dates between 6th and 25th of April. After this the annual totals were:
2012 = 0. 2013 = 0. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 24th March 2004.
Latest date: 1st May 2022.
Peak count: 7 moths, on April 19th 2011 ... also 6 moths on 23rd April 2011.
1853 Eupethecia dodoneata - Oak-tree Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Long established woodland, hedgerows and scrub. The larval food plants are the berries and leaves of Hawthorn also the leaves of Pedunculate Oak.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late April till June.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Taken in 2002, 2003, twice in 2004, once in 2010, twice in 2011, once in 2014 and 2015, twice in 2017 then once in 2019 and 2021 and three times in 22 inc. 3 one night.
Earliest date: 29th June 2005.
Latest date: 3rd September 2023.
Peak count: 3 moths on a few occasions.
1845 Eupethecia pimpinellata - Pimpinel Pug
The second garden example taken on 1st August 2018. I lost the photos of my first one due to a faulty hard-drive.
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Calcareous grassland, limestone quarries, downland etc. The larval food plant is the ripening seed capsules of Burnet-saxifrage.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1846 Eupethecia nanata - Narrow-winged Pug
Status: Scarce, perhaps occurring here as a migrant or an introduced species?
Habitat/Food plant: A moth mainly of heathland and moorland. The larval food plant is Heather.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from late April till June then again in late July and August.
Earliest date: 26th May 2008.
Latest date: 25th August 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
1849 Eupethecia innotata - Ash/Angle-barred Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, parks, gardens etc. The larval food plant is probably just Ash, it's confusion with Angle-barred and Tamarisk Pugs clouds the issue somewhat?
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing from late May till mid June then again in August.
Earliest date: 19th June 2002.
Latest date: 3rd September 2012.
Peak count: Singles only.
1852 Eupethecia abbreviata - Brindled Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly a moth of woodland. The larval food plants are Oaks and Hawthorn ... an odd combination?
Broods/flight period: One generation, flying from March till early May.
2012 = 0. 2013 = 0. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 24th March 2004.
Latest date: 1st May 2022.
Peak count: 7 moths, on April 19th 2011 ... also 6 moths on 23rd April 2011.
1853 Eupethecia dodoneata - Oak-tree Pug
Odd/worn (?) looking grey form.
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Long established woodland, hedgerows and scrub. The larval food plants are the berries and leaves of Hawthorn also the leaves of Pedunculate Oak.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late April till June.
2023 = 1. 2023 =
Earliest date: 20th April 2011.
Latest date: 27th June 2003.
Peak count: 3 on 1st May 2022.
1854 Eupethecia pusillata pusillata - Juniper Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Moorland, calcareous grassland, gardens etc. The larval food plant is Juniper.
Broods/flight period: One generation, July till September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: 2nd July 2011 and ?? July 2013. I have four older records (before the days of photographs) and wonder if they were accurately identified in retrospect?
Earliest date: ?
Latest date: ?
Peak count: ?
1855 Eupethecia phoeniceata - Cypress Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Gardens and parks where Cypress grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late July till early September.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
Earliest date: 20th April 2011.
Latest date: 27th June 2003.
Peak count: 3 on 1st May 2022.
1854 Eupethecia pusillata pusillata - Juniper Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Moorland, calcareous grassland, gardens etc. The larval food plant is Juniper.
Broods/flight period: One generation, July till September.
Earliest date: ?
Latest date: ?
Peak count: ?
1855 Eupethecia phoeniceata - Cypress Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Gardens and parks where Cypress grows.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late July till early September.
2023 = 16. 2024 =
Earliest date: 16th July 2007.
Latest date: 26th October 2024.
Peak count: 8 moths, one night in 2003.
1855a Eupethecia ultimaria - Channel Island Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A coastal species where the food plant Tamarisk occurs.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: 1 record, taken on 2nd June 2020.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1857 Eupethecia tantillaria - Dwarf Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth that occurs mainly around plantations of introduced conifer. The larval food plants are stated as particularly Norway Spruce, Sitka Spruce and Douglas Fir but also other Spruce/Fir/Cypress etc too.
Broods/flight period: One generation flying in May and June.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Only two records here, taken on 10th June 2007 and 14th July 2013.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1858 Chloroclystis v-ata - V-Pug
Status: taken most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Parkland, woodland, scrub etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of various plants including Dog Rose, Hawthorn, Traveller's-joy, Hemp Agrimony, Bramble, Elder, Mugwort and Goldenrod.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 3. 2003 = 9. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 11. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 2. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 5. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 3. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 3. 2014 = 7. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 2. 2017 = 3. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 9. 2024 =
Earliest date: 7th April 2011.
Latest date: 23rd August 2009.
Peak count: Two moths, in 2005, 2008 and 2010.
1859 Pasiphila chloerata - Sloe Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Long established hedges, thorn scrub and the edges of woodland. The larval food plant is the flower of Blackthorn.
Broods/flight period:
1999 - 2023 garden records: Thirteen records here, all singles, taken on: 19/06/02, 3/06/04, 7/06/04, 9/06/04, 7/06/05, 9/06/05, 11/06/06, 29/06/2010, 12/06/2015, 23rd May 2017, 27th May 2018, 22nd May 2020 and 23rd May 2022.
Earliest date: 23rd May 2017 and 2022.
Latest date: 29th June 2010.
Peak count: Singles only.
1860 Pasiphila rectangulata - Green Pug
Status: Regular in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Parks, Gardens, hedgerows, scrub etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of Crab Apple, Apple, Pear, Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Cherry.
Broods/flight period:
1999 - 2022 garden records: usually quite regularly seen in low numbers, 2020 produced only 2 moths.
Earliest date: 16th July 2007.
Latest date: 26th October 2024.
Peak count: 8 moths, one night in 2003.
1855a Eupethecia ultimaria - Channel Island Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A coastal species where the food plant Tamarisk occurs.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1857 Eupethecia tantillaria - Dwarf Pug
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth that occurs mainly around plantations of introduced conifer. The larval food plants are stated as particularly Norway Spruce, Sitka Spruce and Douglas Fir but also other Spruce/Fir/Cypress etc too.
Broods/flight period: One generation flying in May and June.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1858 Chloroclystis v-ata - V-Pug
Status: taken most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Parkland, woodland, scrub etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of various plants including Dog Rose, Hawthorn, Traveller's-joy, Hemp Agrimony, Bramble, Elder, Mugwort and Goldenrod.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August and September.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 3. 2003 = 9. 2004 = 7. 2005 = 11. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 2. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 5. 2010 = 5. 2011 = 3. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 3. 2014 = 7. 2015 = 2. 2016 = 2. 2017 = 3. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 1. 2023 = 9. 2024 =
Earliest date: 7th April 2011.
Latest date: 23rd August 2009.
Peak count: Two moths, in 2005, 2008 and 2010.
1859 Pasiphila chloerata - Sloe Pug
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Long established hedges, thorn scrub and the edges of woodland. The larval food plant is the flower of Blackthorn.
Broods/flight period:
Earliest date: 23rd May 2017 and 2022.
Latest date: 29th June 2010.
Peak count: Singles only.
1860 Pasiphila rectangulata - Green Pug
Status: Regular in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Parks, Gardens, hedgerows, scrub etc. The larval food plants are the flowers of Crab Apple, Apple, Pear, Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Cherry.
Broods/flight period:
2023 = 21. 2024 =
Earliest date: 18th May 2024.
Latest date: 22nd July 2001 and 2013.
Peak count:
1862 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata - Double-striped Pug
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging. The larval food plants are the flowers of many plants, including Holly, Ivy, Broom, Gorse, Heather, Rowan, Traveller's-joy, Buddleias, Rose, Ragwort, Sea Aster etc.
Broods/flight period: Double or treble brooded, flying from March till May, July till August then in September and October. I have caught them here in every month of the year except January.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Regular in small numbers throughout.
Earliest date: 24th February 2006.
Latest dates: 22nd December 2022 then 31st December 2024.
Peak count: 13 on 1st May 2022.
1865 Chesias rufata rufata - Broom-tip
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Heathland, Breckland, open moorland, Woodland and scrub. The larval food plant is Broom.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from April till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: One record, on 29th April 2003.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1867 Aplocera plagiata plagiata - Treble-bar
Status: Up and down here, taken most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Hot dry open habitats. The larval food plant is Saint John's Wort.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 3. 2000 = 8. 2001 = 2. 2002 = 5. 2003 = 7. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 3. 2006 = 2. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 4. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 3. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 6. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 3. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 9th May 2003.
Latest date: 1st October 2022.
Peak count: 2 moths on a few dates including 1999 and 2003 etc.
1868 Aplocera efformata - Lesser Treble-bar
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging, anywhere from gardens, coastal strips, field margins, woodland rides etc. The larval food plant is Saint John's Wort.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then again in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: A few records here, I'm not sure how many as I don't entirely trust my own earlier records. After 2010 I only caught three (I think?) including one on 6th September 2016 and another on 22nd August 2019.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1874 Euchoeca nebulata - Dingy Shell
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A species of damp woodland and other marshy places. The larval food plant is Alder.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late May till August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: One record, taken on 18th May 2014.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1875 Asthena albulata - Small White Wave
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, the larval food plants are Hazel, Hornbeam, Birch and Wild Rose.
Broods/flight period: Usually single brooded, flying from May till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Three records here, on 19th May 2004, 26th June 2004, another on ??? no date? and 8th July 2021.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1876 Hydrelia flammeolaria - Small Yellow Wave
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub and hedgerows. The larval food plants are Field Maple, Sycamore and Alder.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Three records, on 30th May 2003, 2nd July 2015 and 29th June 2019.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1877 Hydrelia sylvata - Waved Carpet
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland and scrub, often near water. The larval food plants are Sweet Chestnut, Alder, Sallow and Birch.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from June till August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Four records, all of of singles taken on: 6th July 2006, 13th July 2015, 24th July 2016 and 15th July 2017.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1879 Lobophora halterata - Seraphim
Earliest date: 18th May 2024.
Latest date: 22nd July 2001 and 2013.
Peak count:
1862 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata - Double-striped Pug
A normal looking specimen.
A very odd and striking variation seen here in May 2022.
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging. The larval food plants are the flowers of many plants, including Holly, Ivy, Broom, Gorse, Heather, Rowan, Traveller's-joy, Buddleias, Rose, Ragwort, Sea Aster etc.
Broods/flight period: Double or treble brooded, flying from March till May, July till August then in September and October. I have caught them here in every month of the year except January.
Earliest date: 24th February 2006.
Latest dates: 22nd December 2022 then 31st December 2024.
Peak count: 13 on 1st May 2022.
1865 Chesias rufata rufata - Broom-tip
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Heathland, Breckland, open moorland, Woodland and scrub. The larval food plant is Broom.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from April till July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1867 Aplocera plagiata plagiata - Treble-bar
Status: Up and down here, taken most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Hot dry open habitats. The larval food plant is Saint John's Wort.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then again in August and September.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 3. 2000 = 8. 2001 = 2. 2002 = 5. 2003 = 7. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 3. 2006 = 2. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 2. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 4. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 3. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 6. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 3. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 9th May 2003.
Latest date: 1st October 2022.
Peak count: 2 moths on a few dates including 1999 and 2003 etc.
1868 Aplocera efformata - Lesser Treble-bar
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Wide ranging, anywhere from gardens, coastal strips, field margins, woodland rides etc. The larval food plant is Saint John's Wort.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then again in August and September.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1874 Euchoeca nebulata - Dingy Shell
The little critter ... found in one of the traps on 18th May 2014
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A species of damp woodland and other marshy places. The larval food plant is Alder.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing from late May till August.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1875 Asthena albulata - Small White Wave
The above 'appalling' photo was taken just as the moth flew off ... never to be seen again.
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, the larval food plants are Hazel, Hornbeam, Birch and Wild Rose.
Broods/flight period: Usually single brooded, flying from May till July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1876 Hydrelia flammeolaria - Small Yellow Wave
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub and hedgerows. The larval food plants are Field Maple, Sycamore and Alder.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late May till July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1877 Hydrelia sylvata - Waved Carpet
6th July 2006 ... unfortunately the photo was taken whilst in a glass tube.
... and moth number two, taken on 13th July 2015.
The fourth capture taken on 15th July 2017... a dark form known as 'goodwini'.
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland and scrub, often near water. The larval food plants are Sweet Chestnut, Alder, Sallow and Birch.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from June till August.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1879 Lobophora halterata - Seraphim
The second sighting here, taken on 20th May 2024. I lost the first moth I caught here four years prior after it escaped during the photographic session.
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland and scrub. The larval food plants are Aspen and Poplars.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in May and June.
1999 - 2024 garden records: singles on 25th May 2020 and 20th May 2024.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1883 Acasis viretata - Yellow-barred Brindle
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, parks and gardens. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Holly, Ivy, Guelder Rose, Wild Privet and Dogwood.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
Earliest date: 8th May 2014.
Latest date: 4th October 2018.
Peak count: 7 moths, one night in 2008.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland and scrub. The larval food plants are Aspen and Poplars.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in May and June.
1999 - 2024 garden records: singles on 25th May 2020 and 20th May 2024.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
1883 Acasis viretata - Yellow-barred Brindle
Above: Both forms ... the green type predominates.
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, parks and gardens. The larval food plants are Hawthorn, Holly, Ivy, Guelder Rose, Wild Privet and Dogwood.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June then in August and September.
Earliest date: 8th May 2014.
Latest date: 4th October 2018.
Peak count: 7 moths, one night in 2008.