Noctuidae (Hadeninae)
2145 Discestra trifolii - Nutmeg
Status: More or less annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: It occurs in a wide range of open habitat and it's larvae eat a wide variety of herbaceous plants.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from April to June then in August and September.
Earliest date: 9th April 2020 and 9th April 2023.
Latest date: 19th September 2003.
Peak count: 7 on 17th July 2020. Taken mainly just as singles prior to 2005 with numbers increasing dramatically in both 2019 and 2020.
2147 Hada plebeja - Shears
Status: Notable.
Habitat/Food plant: Open places and some woodland. The larval food plants are varied but included Smooth Hawk's-beard, Mouse-ear Hawkweed and Lucerne.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing mainly from May to July with a small second generation flying in August.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 1. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 0. 2003 = 0. 2004 = 1. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 2. 2007 = 4. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 1. 2011 = 3. 2012 = 1.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 0. 2015 = 0. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 12th May 2009.
Latest date: 1st generation (or early second?) till 11th July and my one and only definite second generation moth showed up on 13th August 2000.
Peak count: Singles only.
2150 Polia nebulosa - Grey Arches
Taken on 16/06/2017
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland, the larval food plants are varied including Hazel, Birch, Honeysuckle, Sallows and Brambles.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2152 Sideridis albicolon - White Colon
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Coastal habitat, sand dunes, shingle and marsh where the larvae fed upon Sea Rocket, Restharrow, Sea Sandwort, Sand Spurrey and Ribwort Plantain.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, on the wing in May and June, then again in July and August.
Earliest date: 12th May 2007.
Latest date: 23rd July 2013.
Peak count: Singles only.
2154 Mamestra brassicae - Cabbage Moth
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Any lowland habitat ... although as the name suggests, it does feed on Brassicas, it will eat just about any herbaceous plant including Sallows and Oaks.
Broods/flight period: Two or three generations, on the wing mainly from May till October.
Earliest date: 29th March 2008.
Latest date: 8th October 2004.
Peak count: 12 moths, one night in 2008.
2155 Melanchra persicariae - Dot Moth
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: A wide range of habitats are used, the larval food plants follow suit ... being wide ranging, including Nettle, Hop, Bindweeds, Docks, Groundsel, White Clover, Black Currant, Ivy, Hazel, Elder etc etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded flying mainly in June and July.
2023 = 2. 2024 =
Earliest date: 4th June 2006.
Latest date: In usual years 15th August 2001, though I did get a presumed second generation moth on 28th September 2015.
Peak count: 76 moths, on 27th July 2013.
2157 Lacanobia w-latinum - Light Brocade
Status: Rare here, extinct since 2005.
Habitat/Food plant: Open ground on calcareous soils, the larval food plants include Broom, Dyer's Greenweed, Bramble and Redshank ... the plant 'not' the bird ...
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Only three records here, on 10th June 2000, 22nd June 2002 and 9th July 2004.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2158 Lacanobia thalassina - Pale-shouldered Brocade
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub etc. The larval food plants are wide ranging, including Oaks, Hawthorn, Sallow, Apple, Aspen and Honeysuckle.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in May and July. There can be an occasional second brood in August some years.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Four records here, on 3rd July 2002, 13th June 2003, 18th June 2003 and annoyingly another on 14th July 2013 which flew off before I had chance to capture it via the medium of digital image. If I have to wait for another decade then it'll be my own stupid fault.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2159 Lacanobia suasa - Dog's Tooth
Status: Occurs most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Damp places, coastal marshes and wet grasslands. The larval food plants include Sea Lavender, Greater Plantain and Goose-foots.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from May till July then August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 6. 2004 = 3. 2005 = 0. 2006 = 5. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 1. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 17th May 2010.
Latest date: 24th August 2008.
Peak count: Two moths, in 2006 and 2009.
2160 Lacanobia oleracea - Bright-line Brown-eye
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Any time, any place anywhere ... they eat pretty much anything too, plants ... lego, concrete.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying May to July then in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Catches often reach double figures here.
Earliest date: 20th April 2001.
Latest date: 17th October 2006.
Peak count: 52 moths, on 8th July 2002 and again on 19th July 2006.
2154 Hecatera bicolorata - Broad-barred White
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Vegetated coastal dunes, the larval food plants are the flowers and flower buds of Sow Thistles, Hawk's-beards and Hawkweeds.
Broods/flight period: One or two broods, mainly just one, flying from may till July then again some years in August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Stable throughout my period of trapping, very much a 'here and there' 'one or two moth' around the garden. They enjoyed a massive increase in 2020 ... will it last?
Earliest date: 4th June 2006.
Latest date: In usual years 15th August 2001, though I did get a presumed second generation moth on 28th September 2015.
Peak count: 76 moths, on 27th July 2013.
2157 Lacanobia w-latinum - Light Brocade
Status: Rare here, extinct since 2005.
Habitat/Food plant: Open ground on calcareous soils, the larval food plants include Broom, Dyer's Greenweed, Bramble and Redshank ... the plant 'not' the bird ...
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2158 Lacanobia thalassina - Pale-shouldered Brocade
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Woodland, scrub etc. The larval food plants are wide ranging, including Oaks, Hawthorn, Sallow, Apple, Aspen and Honeysuckle.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in May and July. There can be an occasional second brood in August some years.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2159 Lacanobia suasa - Dog's Tooth
Status: Occurs most years in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Damp places, coastal marshes and wet grasslands. The larval food plants include Sea Lavender, Greater Plantain and Goose-foots.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from May till July then August and September.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 0. 2000 = 0. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 2. 2003 = 6. 2004 = 3. 2005 = 0. 2006 = 5. 2007 = 1. 2008 = 4. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 4. 2011 = 1. 2012 = 0.
2013 = 1. 2014 = 1. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 2. 2020 = 1. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 2. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 17th May 2010.
Latest date: 24th August 2008.
Peak count: Two moths, in 2006 and 2009.
2160 Lacanobia oleracea - Bright-line Brown-eye
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Any time, any place anywhere ... they eat pretty much anything too, plants ... lego, concrete.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying May to July then in August and September.
Earliest date: 20th April 2001.
Latest date: 17th October 2006.
Peak count: 52 moths, on 8th July 2002 and again on 19th July 2006.
2160 Lacanobia splendens - Splendid Brocade
Status: Rare migrant.
Habitat/Food plant: The larval food plant is stated as 'many things' but also Bindweeds and Bittersweet.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: 1 on 29th July 2022.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
Habitat/Food plant: The larval food plant is stated as 'many things' but also Bindweeds and Bittersweet.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in June and July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2154 Hecatera bicolorata - Broad-barred White
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Vegetated coastal dunes, the larval food plants are the flowers and flower buds of Sow Thistles, Hawk's-beards and Hawkweeds.
Broods/flight period: One or two broods, mainly just one, flying from may till July then again some years in August.
2023 = 6. 2024 =
Earliest date: 15th May 2008.
Latest date: 25th August 2008.
Peak count: 4 on 13th June 2020 and 18th July 2020.
2165 Hecatera dysodea - Small Ranunculus
Status: Returning to the UK after a 100 year hiatus, during which time it was only known as a rare migrant. Annual since 2006 here.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of rough open ground, the larval food plants are cultivated lettuces, and the wild types, Prickly Lettuce and Great Lettuce.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing during July and August.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Since appearing for the first time on 10th July 2006 the annual counts have been:
2005 = 0. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 9. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 7. 2010 = 13. 2011 = 9. 2012 = 15+. 2013 = 9. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 2.
Earliest date: 15th May 2008.
Latest date: 25th August 2008.
Peak count: 4 on 13th June 2020 and 18th July 2020.
2165 Hecatera dysodea - Small Ranunculus
usual (ish) looking type
Unusual grey type ... it's not worn just very grey.
Status: Returning to the UK after a 100 year hiatus, during which time it was only known as a rare migrant. Annual since 2006 here.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of rough open ground, the larval food plants are cultivated lettuces, and the wild types, Prickly Lettuce and Great Lettuce.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing during July and August.
2005 = 0. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 9. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 7. 2010 = 13. 2011 = 9. 2012 = 15+. 2013 = 9. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 1. 2016 = 1. 2017 = 2.
2018 = 0. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 6. 2021 = 7. 2022 = 4. 2023 = 5. 2024 =
Earliest date: 2nd July 2022.
Latest date: 31st August 2021.
Peak count: Four moths, one night in 2012.
2166 Hadena rivularis - Campion
Status: Fairly common.
Habitat/Food plant: Open grassy places, the larval food plants are Wood-sage, Viper-Bugloss, Ragged Robin also Red and White Campion.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: A bit up and down here where you never get very many in any one sitting.
Earliest date: 16th May 2002.
Latest date: 14th September 2014.
Peak count: Up to four moths on various dates prior to 2006.
2170 Hadena compta - Varied Coronet
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Calcareous grasslands, the larval food plants are Sweet-william and Bladder Campion.
Broods/flight period: Usually single brooded, flying in June and July ... occasionally a possible second generation flying in September/or perhaps immigrants?
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 1. 2000 = 3. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 6. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 4. 2005 = 2. 2006 = 3. 2007 = 4. 2008 = 8. 2009 = 8. 2010 = 10. 2011 = 10. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 4. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 4. 2024 =
Earliest date: 4th June 2007.
Latest date: 1st generation till 18th July (in 2000) but I did on one occasion take a very fresh second generation/migrant on 5th September 2006.
Peak count: 3 moths, in 2010 and 2011.
2172 Hadena albimacula - White Spot
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of the coast where the larvae feed on Nottingham Catchfly and Campions. It's only known breeding colony's in the UK are in White Noath, Ballard Down/Studland Cliffs (in Dorset), Browndown (Hampshire) and between Dungeness and Samphire Hoe in Kent.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till July.
1999 - 2023 garden records: One records here, on 24th May 2007.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2173 Hadena bicruris - Lychnis
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough ground, hedgerows, woodland and coastal sand dunes. The larval food plants are Campions.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from May till July then again in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: A fairly stable population here though never numerous, I'm fortunate to see them five to six times in some years.
Earliest date: 2nd July 2022.
Latest date: 31st August 2021.
Peak count: Four moths, one night in 2012.
2166 Hadena rivularis - Campion
Top: A rather normal looking purplish individual and below; a rare pristine looking fresh 'dark thing' ...
Status: Fairly common.
Habitat/Food plant: Open grassy places, the larval food plants are Wood-sage, Viper-Bugloss, Ragged Robin also Red and White Campion.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying in May and June then August and September.
Earliest date: 16th May 2002.
Latest date: 14th September 2014.
Peak count: Up to four moths on various dates prior to 2006.
2170 Hadena compta - Varied Coronet
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Calcareous grasslands, the larval food plants are Sweet-william and Bladder Campion.
Broods/flight period: Usually single brooded, flying in June and July ... occasionally a possible second generation flying in September/or perhaps immigrants?
The annual counts have been:
1999 = 1. 2000 = 3. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 6. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 4. 2005 = 2. 2006 = 3. 2007 = 4. 2008 = 8. 2009 = 8. 2010 = 10. 2011 = 10. 2012 = 3.
2013 = 4. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 3. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 1. 2019 = 0. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 4. 2024 =
Earliest date: 4th June 2007.
Latest date: 1st generation till 18th July (in 2000) but I did on one occasion take a very fresh second generation/migrant on 5th September 2006.
Peak count: 3 moths, in 2010 and 2011.
2172 Hadena albimacula - White Spot
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: A moth of the coast where the larvae feed on Nottingham Catchfly and Campions. It's only known breeding colony's in the UK are in White Noath, Ballard Down/Studland Cliffs (in Dorset), Browndown (Hampshire) and between Dungeness and Samphire Hoe in Kent.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from May till July.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2173 Hadena bicruris - Lychnis
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough ground, hedgerows, woodland and coastal sand dunes. The larval food plants are Campions.
Broods/flight period: Double brooded, flying from May till July then again in August and September.
2023 = 4. 2024 =
Earliest date: 9th May 2008.
Latest date: 20th August 2008.
Peak count: Two moths on a few occasions.
2177 Tholera cespitis - Hedge Rustic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Open grasslands, the larval food plants are hard-bladed grasses including Mat-grass and Wavy Hair-grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in August and September.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Six records here, all as singles on 4th September 2003, 8th September 2012, 9th September 2014, 10th September 2017, 14th September 2019 and 29th August 2020.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2178 Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough grasslands, the larval food plants are hard-bladed grasses including Mat-grass and Sheep's-fescue.
Broods/flight period:
1999 - 2023 garden records: Only one record here, on 8th September 2011.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2179 Panolis flammea - Pine Beauty
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Pine forest, the larval food plant being Scotch Pine.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Nine records here, on 24th April 2004, 16th March 2007, 10th April 2009, 12th April 2009, 1st June 2010, 10th April 2015, 20th February 2016, 11th April 2020 and 3rd May 2020.
Earliest date: 16th March 2007.
Latest date: 1st June 2010.
Peak count: singles only.
2182 Orthosia cruda - Small Quaker
Status: Although they occur here most years, numbers are often erratic.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly a moth of woodland though they also occur in hedgerows etc. The larval food plants are mainly Oaks, but also Birch, Sallow and Field Maple.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying mainly in March and April.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = -. 2000 = 8. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 3. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 10. 2005 = 7. 2006 = 5. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 12+. 2012 = 20+.
2013 = 5. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 7. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 6. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 18th March 2000.
Latest date: 29th April 2013.
Peak count: 6 moths, in 2004 and 2012.
2183 Orthosia miniosa - Blossom Underwing
Status: Rare migrant.
Habitat/Food plant: 'Oak' woodland, which is the larval food plant ... not the entire woodland ... leaves off the trees that exist within an Oak woodland.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in March and April.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Seven records here, taken on: 7th April 2009, 10th April 2009, 2nd April 2011, 23rd April 2018, 5th April 2020, 11th April 2020 and 17th April 2022.
Earliest date: 2nd April 2011.
Latest date: 23rd April 2013.
Peak count: singles only.
2184 Orthosia opima - Northern Drab
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: The adult inhabits various marshy places including salt marshes. The food plants are wide ranging including Sallow, Birches, Ragworts, Mugwort, Sea Lavender etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in April and May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: One definite record, taken on 25th April 2020 also a probable from 14th April 2018?
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2185 Orthosia populeti - Lead-coloured Drab
Status: Rare, though seemingly increasing.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland and areas where Poplars, the larval flood plant grow.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Seven records, all as singles taken on: 28th March 2005, 10th April 2014, 7th April 2015, 22nd March 2017, 17th April 2018, 11th April 2020 and 22nd April 2023.
Earliest date: 22nd March 2017.
Latest date: 22nd April 2023.
Peak count: singles only.
2186 Orthosia gracilis - Powdered Quaker
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Marshes and damp woodland ...the larval food plants include Willows, Black Poplar, Blackthorn, Bog Myrtle, Meadowsweet, Purple Loosestrife and Common Fleabane.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in April and May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Six records here, on 12th April 2000, 20th April 2008, 6th May 2009, 23rd April 2013, 9th May 2020 and 14th May 2021.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2187 Orthosia cerasi - Common Quaker
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Most lowland habitats ... the larval food plants are Broadleaved trees including Oak, Sallow, Birch, Elm, Hawthorn and Hazel.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Rarely numerous here, annual peak counts occasionally touching double figures.
Earliest date: 19th February 2014.
Latest date: 28th May 2003.
Peak count: 17 moths, in 2005.
2188 Orthosia incerta - Clouded Drab
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Most abundant in woodland though not tied to it. The larval food plants are various broad leaved trees including Oaks, Sallows, Birch, Hawthorn, Hazel, Elms and Lime.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
1999 - 2023 garden records:
The annual counts have been:
1999 = n/a. 2000 = 6. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 8. 2004 = 10. 2005 = 20+. 2006 = 8. 2007 = 9. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 14. 2011 = c20. 2012 = 17.
2013 = 4. 2014 = 8. 2015 = 5. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 5. 2020 = 4. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 2. 2024 =
Earliest date: 12th March 2007.
Latest date: 16th May 2012.
Peak count: 6 moths, in 2005.
2189 Orthosia munda - Twin-spotted Quaker
Status: Was just about annual, rare since 2006.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland where the larvae feed on a a wide range of trees including Oak, Sallow, Aspen, Field Maple, Ash, Honeysuckle and Hop.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in March and April.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Eleven records here, eight up until 2006, after which time they became very scarce here.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = n/a. 2000 = 3. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 0. 2003 = 1. 2004 = 2. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 0. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 1.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 19th March 2012.
Latest date: 24th April in both 2003 and 2004.
Peak count: Singles only.
2190 Orthosia gothica - Hebrew Character
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Anywhere, eating pretty much anything.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late February/March till May.
1999 - 2023 garden records: Numbers were fairly stable here, the odd blip some years etc then a large fall off after 2020. Catches in the early years sometimes reach double figures.
Earliest date: 13th February 2004.
Latest date: 26th May 2001.
Peak count: 31 moths, on 20th April 2005.
Earliest date: 9th May 2008.
Latest date: 20th August 2008.
Peak count: Two moths on a few occasions.
2177 Tholera cespitis - Hedge Rustic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Open grasslands, the larval food plants are hard-bladed grasses including Mat-grass and Wavy Hair-grass.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in August and September.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2178 Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Rough grasslands, the larval food plants are hard-bladed grasses including Mat-grass and Sheep's-fescue.
Broods/flight period:
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2179 Panolis flammea - Pine Beauty
Red Type
Green type
Status: Scarce.
Habitat/Food plant: Pine forest, the larval food plant being Scotch Pine.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
Earliest date: 16th March 2007.
Latest date: 1st June 2010.
Peak count: singles only.
2182 Orthosia cruda - Small Quaker
Status: Although they occur here most years, numbers are often erratic.
Habitat/Food plant: Mainly a moth of woodland though they also occur in hedgerows etc. The larval food plants are mainly Oaks, but also Birch, Sallow and Field Maple.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying mainly in March and April.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = -. 2000 = 8. 2001 = 1. 2002 = 3. 2003 = 2. 2004 = 10. 2005 = 7. 2006 = 5. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 1. 2010 = 2. 2011 = 12+. 2012 = 20+.
2013 = 5. 2014 = 6. 2015 = 7. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 0. 2018 = 2. 2019 = 6. 2020 = 3. 2021 = 2. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 1. 2024 =
Earliest date: 18th March 2000.
Latest date: 29th April 2013.
Peak count: 6 moths, in 2004 and 2012.
2183 Orthosia miniosa - Blossom Underwing
Status: Rare migrant.
Habitat/Food plant: 'Oak' woodland, which is the larval food plant ... not the entire woodland ... leaves off the trees that exist within an Oak woodland.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in March and April.
Earliest date: 2nd April 2011.
Latest date: 23rd April 2013.
Peak count: singles only.
2184 Orthosia opima - Northern Drab
The dodgy 'assumed' specimen taken on 14/05/2018 ... it's very worn though the shape was spot on.
The clincher, taken on 25/05/2020.
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: The adult inhabits various marshy places including salt marshes. The food plants are wide ranging including Sallow, Birches, Ragworts, Mugwort, Sea Lavender etc.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in April and May.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2185 Orthosia populeti - Lead-coloured Drab
... one taken on 7th April 2015.
Status: Rare, though seemingly increasing.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland and areas where Poplars, the larval flood plant grow.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
Earliest date: 22nd March 2017.
Latest date: 22nd April 2023.
Peak count: singles only.
2186 Orthosia gracilis - Powdered Quaker
Status: Rare.
Habitat/Food plant: Marshes and damp woodland ...the larval food plants include Willows, Black Poplar, Blackthorn, Bog Myrtle, Meadowsweet, Purple Loosestrife and Common Fleabane.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying in April and May.
Earliest date: n/a.
Latest date: n/a.
Peak count: n/a.
2187 Orthosia cerasi - Common Quaker
An odd type with joined stigmaga's
The ground colour varies slightly from individual to individual.
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Most lowland habitats ... the larval food plants are Broadleaved trees including Oak, Sallow, Birch, Elm, Hawthorn and Hazel.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
Earliest date: 19th February 2014.
Latest date: 28th May 2003.
Peak count: 17 moths, in 2005.
2188 Orthosia incerta - Clouded Drab
Above: A few of many variations of this species.
Status: Annual in small numbers.
Habitat/Food plant: Most abundant in woodland though not tied to it. The larval food plants are various broad leaved trees including Oaks, Sallows, Birch, Hawthorn, Hazel, Elms and Lime.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from March till May.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = n/a. 2000 = 6. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 1. 2003 = 8. 2004 = 10. 2005 = 20+. 2006 = 8. 2007 = 9. 2008 = 6. 2009 = 9. 2010 = 14. 2011 = c20. 2012 = 17.
2013 = 4. 2014 = 8. 2015 = 5. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 2. 2018 = 5. 2019 = 5. 2020 = 4. 2021 = 1. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 2. 2024 =
Earliest date: 12th March 2007.
Latest date: 16th May 2012.
Peak count: 6 moths, in 2005.
2189 Orthosia munda - Twin-spotted Quaker
Status: Was just about annual, rare since 2006.
Habitat/Food plant: Broadleaved woodland where the larvae feed on a a wide range of trees including Oak, Sallow, Aspen, Field Maple, Ash, Honeysuckle and Hop.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, on the wing in March and April.
The annual counts have been:
1999 = n/a. 2000 = 3. 2001 = 0. 2002 = 0. 2003 = 1. 2004 = 2. 2005 = 1. 2006 = 1. 2007 = 0. 2008 = 0. 2009 = 0. 2010 = 0. 2011 = 0. 2012 = 1.
2013 = 0. 2014 = 2. 2015 = 0. 2016 = 0. 2017 = 1. 2018 = 0. 2019 = 1. 2020 = 0. 2021 = 0. 2022 = 0. 2023 = 0. 2024 =
Earliest date: 19th March 2012.
Latest date: 24th April in both 2003 and 2004.
Peak count: Singles only.
2190 Orthosia gothica - Hebrew Character
Status: Common.
Habitat/Food plant: Anywhere, eating pretty much anything.
Broods/flight period: Single brooded, flying from late February/March till May.
Earliest date: 13th February 2004.
Latest date: 26th May 2001.
Peak count: 31 moths, on 20th April 2005.
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